Soil Deliveries

The Value of Compost Soil
Soil created through composting is often referred to by farmers as “black gold” due to its dense nutrient content. Compost soil is also highly stable and can withstand erosion and flooding, it is more resilient to extreme heat and runoff, and helps neutralize soil pH levels. Compost soil can be used for gardening, horticulture, landscaping, and agriculture to create a more stable environment to grow healthier plants.
Plants deplete nutrients from soil while they grow. The 13 mineral nutrients in the soil are dissolved in water and absorbed through a plant's roots. There are not always enough of these nutrients in the soil for a plant to grow healthy. This is why many farmers and gardeners use fertilizers, to add nutrients to the soil.
Chemical and synthetic fertilizers are intense and short lasting. If too much is applied it can actually harm the plant by “scorching” the plants roots. Unnatural fertilizers don’t help improve soil overall health or life span, which limits their long-term effectiveness. The nutrients they provide are quickly drained away into nearby waterways.
The natural nutrients from mature composts are released to plants slowly and steadily. The benefits last for longer than one season. It stabilizes the volatile nitrogen of raw materials to form large protein particles when composting, which reduces the loss of nitrogen.
Compost soil helps soils hold more plant nutrients by improving the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Anion Exchange Capacity (AEC) or exchange positive and negative charged ions, respectively, between a neutral atom. This allows nutrients to have stronger bonds with the soil, preventing them from being washed away.
Studies have shown that composts are able to help fight the spread of plant disease (e.g., Pythium root rot, Rhizoctonia roots rot chili wilt and parasitic nematodes) and decrease the losses of crops. Micronutrients and other critters in compost soil help to breakdown undesirables and toxins that cause plant disease into harmless and consumable materials.
Compost increases quality of soil structure, air flow, and water content leading to quicker establishment of new vegetation and decreases erosion rates. Compost protects the soil's surface from wind and water erosion by decreasing the action of soil dispersion by raindrops beating against the soil, increasing the infiltration rate, as well as reducing water runoff and increasing the surface wetness. It is vital to prevent erosion to safeguard waterways as well as maintain the efficiency and quality of the soil.
Using compost soil in landscaping and gardening increases the grounds ability to retain water by 2.5 times. Using compost soil reduces periods of water stress on plants and lessens the amount of water needed for healthy lawns, gardens, and houseplants.
If a soil becomes too basic or too acidic, plants can suffer from nutrient deficiencies or nutrient toxicities. Soil with a neutral pH level helps prevent plants from consuming environmental toxins, like lead and other heavy metals.
Compost reduces the soils bulk density and improves soil structure directly by loosening heavy soils with organic matter. Becuase of this, integrating composts into compacted soils can improve root penetration and turf growth.

Complete the Composting Cycle
We have worked hard to collect the right materials, deliver them to our compost center, and create an ideal environment to break it all down into beautifull nutrient rich compost soil. Complete the cycle and reintroduce valuable nutrients into your lawns and gardens. Grow healthier fruits, vegitables, herbs, and flowers, stabilize your soil to protect from erosion, and save water with compost soil.
We offer compost, enriched soil, and top soil to give your yard a nutritional boost that can’t be beat.

Types of Soil
Premium Potting Mix
Premium potting mix contains peat moss, screened mulch, compost, and perlite. Pearlite is a white mineral that improves aeration in the soil, while peat moss will add more acidity to your soil and lower your PH levels. If you have poor aeration and yellowing leaves on your plants, this may be the fix you need. Peat moss and perlite retain moisture, but allow water to run through and release heavy metals. This potting mix can also be planted directly into, so this is an excellent product for indoor starts. It will promote healthy root growth and production.
-Our potting mix is screened to ⅜”-
$75.00 / yard + $80.00 delivery fee
Enriched Topsoil
This is great for new flower or garden beds, or for filling in holes in your yard. It has a blend of 25% compost to top soil and doesn’t have any big rock in it.
$45.00/yard + $80.00 delivery fee
Grade-A Compost
Compost from Garden City Compost that is great for existing gardens and flower beds. We recommend adding 3 inches to your garden and flower beds yearly. 1 yard will cover a 10x10 square (100 square feet) 3 inches deep.
$31.00/yard + $80.00 delivery fee
Top Dressing
Top Dressing is finely screened compost that can be spread over an existing yard. This product is an environmentally friendly way to fertilize your yard and retain water all summer long.
$40.00/yard + $80.00 delivery free