Bear Resistant Bins

Are you ready to upgrade your current bin to one that is bear resistant?

Bear resistant containers keep you and the wildlife in your neighborhood safe. Food waste is what bears and other wildlife are looking for when they dig through trash cans. Our bear resistant bins have reinforced lids and bodies with a latch that keeps wildlife from getting a food reward on your property. If you live in neighborhoods that are within the bear buffer zone, please consider using one of our bear resistant bins!

Bear Resistant 32 Gallon Bins

Countertop Bundle (See Below) -$20 One Time

32 Gallon Bear Resistant $27/month, $30.00 bin fee (One Time)

  • Countertop Bundle

    $20.00 One Time Fee
    Pickups not included

    A great add-on to our pickup service, this small container sits on your counter during meal prep. The compostable bags make it simple to bring scraps out to your bin. Replacement bags are available for $8/roll.

  • 3 Gallon Compostable Bag Refill

    3 Gallon Compostable Bags Refill

    $8.00/ROLL OF 20


    Order 2 days prior to your pickup and we will deliver them when we collect your compost!

  • 13 gallon bags

    13 Gallon Compostable Bag Refill

    $8.00/ ROLL OF 20


    Liners for your 10 gallon bin.

    Order 2 days prior to your pickup and we will deliver them when we collect your compost!